Settings are not saved unless the menu item is chosen. This edit of SerialPrint saves its settings in the system file. The most difficult part of using SerialPrint may be obtaining the proper printer cable. Obtain pinout diagrams of your Macintosh and printer; take them to a responsible electronics technician. The flow control menu also allows you to specify whether the printer driver used is closed when you quit SerialPrint. (Not done with 64k ROMs.) The flow control menu has no effect with 64k ROM or Mac XL systems, where CTS flow control only is used. For newer systems, this menu allows selection of either XOn/XOff or CTS. The Page Setupā€¦ menu allows setting of tabstops, left margin, #columns in page, and page length. Page length is the number of printed rows on the page, and does not include top and bottom margins. If your printer does not recognize the formfeed character (^L), just put some newlines in the box marked "Bottom of page". To set the top margin, put the appropriate number of your printer's linefeed character combinations in the box marked "Top of page". Non-printing characters are set using control character notation. For example, carriage return is "^M", line feed is "^J". Some printers require ^M at the end of a line, some require ^M^J. The Printer Settingsā€¦ menu allows you to change the port, baud rate, and five printer control strings. Your printer manual should have the appropriate settings to use. It prints text-only files which have a carriage return at the end of every line. This revision does not wrap long lines at word boundaries. SerialPrint is an adaptable printing program meant to be used in draft mode with printers for which no Macintosh printer driver is available. SerialPrint, Edit of August 17, 1987 Earle R. Horton Portions Copyright THINK Technologies Compiled with the LightspeedC compiler and RMaker.